
The Free Education For All Indonesians

The Free Education For All Indonesians    Education should be free for all indonesians citizens. The government requires all indonesians to have 12-year for education. The government makes this regulation but not all levels of education are free . so that not everyone can reach the 12-year education obligation. Fot that, Indonesian government must strive to free all levels of education.     There are some reasons why education should be free for all indonesians . Education can makes strong the country by the knowledge of its citizens. From education also created world leadrel, agents of change thinkers, entrepreneurs and others. On the other hand, some NGOs build education institute,but can't reach for everyone because high costs. The government must handle this problems so that every Indonesians get their education right .    Furthermore there is a regulation the government must be make the implementation. People at the time realize the ...

My future wife

                      MY FUTURE WIFE     Find a good couple for life is important for me. So that , I have several type for my future wife. Even though I have several type for my future wife, I don't find the perfect one. I just find the good one for me. First, she is already to marry and build a new family. Second, she is muslimah and wear hijab. Third, she wants to be better with hijrah in marriage life. Next, she has studied islam knowledge. Then, she was knew common knowledge and understand about the era. And at least I prayed to God so that I could meet with my type or whoever will be my soulmate.

Dreams in 2019

                          Dreams in 2019     I have many dreams to change myself to be better in 2019. First , the most important dream in academic , i hope i can get and keep all of knowledge from all of my lecturers and also practice it. In this yery, i want to get high score in my first final examination at my campus . After it, i want to focus in UKMI MADANI . Next, i   hope that i can continue my struggle in UKM SILAT and win competition. Then , i hope i can enter to the organization of ESA.     Besides some of my academic dreams above , i have several other dreams. After the new year, i Will continue all of my dreams in 2018 . Therefore , in this year i hope i can improve and understand further about My Lord Allah SWT and my beloved religion syari'at. I don't want to be a loser this year. Then, i want to enjoy my first year in Tasikmalaya city and visit all of it's famous pl...

The mysterious universe

          The mysterious universe Written by :  Sir James jeans Adapted and edited by : George f wear    The mysterious universe is a popular science book by the British scientist, Sir James jeans.This book first published in 1930 by the Cambridge University press .This edition in simplied language.    Why universe is mysterious? Is it because we know so much about it or so little ?in this book Sir James jeans try to explain some knowledge about the universe .He describes and explains the details all about the universe. ,There are some passages ,and I will try to make a summary from it.   Here are some information that I got : 1. Science (astronomy and all about universe) have studied since four or five thousand years ago by Chinese astronomer,old Indian culture,the Babylonian,the ancient Egyptan,the Arabs and the Greek. 2. Old scientist (before sixteenth century)  introduced the ideas that the sun...

Quotes from "Si Cacing dan kotoran kesayangannya"

   Si cacing dan kotoran kesayangannya A part of trilogy book written by Ajahn Brahm 1. Kerukunan jauh lebih penting daripada mencari siapa yang benar . Explanation : Harmony of life is more important than finding who is right (meaning). This quote means that forgive each other and hold a Harmony is better than blame each other. 2. Berhati-hatilah dengan persepsi dan penilaian Anda . Explanation : Beware of your perceptionts and judgements (meaning).this quote means that our perceptionts and judgements is not always true,for that we must Beware to judge someone. 3. Setiap orang punya bibit untuk menjadi baik. Explanation : everyone has seeds to be good (meaning).this quote means that everyone can be good person. 4. Tidak ada, mutlak tidak ada, yang tidak dapat Anda maafkan. Explanation : nothing, absolutely nothing,which you cannot forgive(Meaning). This quote means that there is absolutely nothing that you cannot forgive. Forgive to others then we Will be forgiven...

Quotes from " Si cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya "

   Si cacing dan kotoran kesayangannya A part of trilogy book written by : Ajahn Brahm 1. Jika Anda tidak jahat dan banyak amal,apa yang Anda takuti dari kematian? Explanation : If you are not environment and a lot of Charity,why do you fear about death?(meaning).This quote means that if we are doing something good and we are not doing something evil or bad,we don't afraid about is because God ensure us by heaven and  a long good life if we are doing something good and not doing evil/bad. 2. Kebajikan , itulah asuransi terbaik. Explanation :  Virtue ,that is the best insurance (meaning). This quote means that if we doing a Virtue, it's Will return to us. For example we will be treated well by the person who we have Made goodness for him. 3. Kecukupan hati adalah kebahagiaan tertinggi. Explanation : Sufficiency of heart is the highest happiness (meaning). This quote means that happiness is simple. If we feel inside ourselves that what we have is...