The Free Education For All Indonesians

The Free Education For All Indonesians

   Education should be free for all indonesians citizens. The government requires all indonesians to have 12-year for education. The government makes this regulation but not all levels of education are free . so that not everyone can reach the 12-year education obligation. Fot that, Indonesian government must strive to free all levels of education. 
   There are some reasons why education should be free for all indonesians . Education can makes strong the country by the knowledge of its citizens. From education also created world leadrel, agents of change thinkers, entrepreneurs and others. On the other hand, some NGOs build education institute,but can't reach for everyone because high costs. The government must handle this problems so that every Indonesians get their education right .
   Furthermore there is a regulation the government must be make the implementation. People at the time realize the education. Not everyone have good the financial to buy the cost of education. The Indonesian government must be endure that the education facilities for all Indonesians citizens


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